Melissa Steiner
A little about me
Missy Steiner was born and raised in Northern Michigan and harbors a rich appreciation for the warmth of her small community and the multitude of outdoor experiences that this area has to offer. Missy understands not only what draws people to northern Michigan, but also what keeps them here. From sandy beaches, sunny days, and evening walks down quaint streets, it’s easy to understand why people seek out the privilege of owning their dream home in our northern region.
Missy is a graduate of Ferris State University and also works as a dental hygienist. In this capacity, Missy has been delivering exceptional customer service in the area for more than 15 years. As an active participants in her children’s athletics programs, Missy, and her husband Tom, are familiar members of the community with deep roots in the area.
Missy is dedicated to assisting current and future residents find the homes they have been searching for to raise their families, retire, or enjoy a beautiful vacation property that makes the perfect get-a-way. Missy upholds a standard of honesty and integrity at all times and strives to exceed the expectations of her clients. As your chosen real estate agent, Missy will provide thoroughness, attention to detail, and dedication to guide you in your purchasing and selling needs.